How to Pick the Best Bananas and Store Them
Do you know how to pick and store bananas? The banana, which is the most well-liked fruit, is exported widely all over the world. There are only a few fruits whose quality is more reliable; the banana is one of them. In contrast to other fruits, bananas ripen after being picked, and they often taste delicious despite being picked from the plant quite early. They are good for consuming in breakfast.
However, there are many factors to consider, not just purchasing the best bananas locally. You must also know the best way to pick and store bananas and the ideal time to consume them.
How to Pick the Best Bananas And Store Them
The guide is as follows.
Picking the best bananas
You may choose bananas based on how soon you want to use them. The ideal color stage to purchase bananas is when they are in the center of the spectrum. Mainly when they are yellow, with a touch of green on either end.
For use right away, choose ripe bananas, such as yellow ones with brown spots on them. And for later use, choose bananas that are just a little green but not too much. Always use caution when handling ripe bananas and take care when transporting them to prevent damaging your delicious bananas.
Avoid bananas with bruises, depression, wetness, and dark spots on the surface. Instead, choose bananas that are vibrant in color, full, and plump. The presence of such a dull, gray color suggests that the bananas were either overheated or refrigerated.
Ripe bananas don’t have any visible green peel. And it is difficult to detach the peel from raw bananas. So, pick the bananas that have developed tiny black specks called “sugar specks”; they taste best.
Raw bananas are bitter and starchy and may induce digestive problems and constipation. So, if you want to taste them raw, cook them first.
Storing the bananas
You should store the bananas at room temperature, out of direct sunlight and heat. As they will speed up the ripening of all the other fruits, you can also choose to keep them separately. Bananas ripen more quickly during the warm months than during the winter. There are many ways of slowing down or speeding up the ripening process of bananas.
You should place the bananas in the refrigerator to delay ripening for a few days. The banana will still be delicious even if the skin turns brown. Before eating, allow the chilled banana to warm to room temperature for maximum flavor. Keeping the bananas on the counter in an open paper bag may speed up the ripening process. You can keep bananas for around two days after they are fully ripe before they rot.
You should consume peeled bananas immediately since air exposure will turn them brown. To preserve them in blended beverages and baked goods for future use, freeze bananas with their skin. You may freeze the whole banana; however, thawing it will soften its texture.
Always try to place the bananas on the right side down, connecting to the kitchen counter. The bananas have a higher chance of being harmed due to their weight if you keep them in the other position.
Bananas have a ten-color spectrum, ranging from green when first plucked to mushy and brown. The banana is the only fruit that genuinely develops in color, fragrance, texture, and sweetness as it ripens after harvest. It takes very little time for this to happen. So you should pick the correct type of banana and store it properly to prevent any damage.